Friday, September 26, 2008

The White House

It was a fine night when we had a look and saw the White House. My first time ever to see the house where the president of the United States lives as well as his family. It is sorrounded by a steel fence and with trees around the sorroungdins. A pretty house and silent place, maybe because it was night when we were there. All cops around the house and of course gaurds. And we an`t even get through inside it.

I was so much excited to see the inside but noone can just go inthere unless u made an apoointment to the congressman of the state where u live. It`s kinda strict for me but i understand it why they made this rule because of what happened last 9-11-02. So for the security and safety of the president everybody must have to follow the rule or law in order for us to maintain a peaceful and safe place as well as fairness to everybody.

Alright the second day we were in DC, we went tosee the white house again at daytime. This time we went to the back side but for me still look like the front he he, cause still we stayed at the fence. Tousands of people were in there taking pictures and just looking the place. it`s even hard for us to take a picture with it as the background but i didn`t have hard time getting in to the crowd cause im pretty small(thats the good thing for tiny girls like me):-).

I really love the place and it was a great chance for me cause not everybody have been to this place and see this famous place in the world. I love to go for a visit there again someday. If u guys are interested to go there i wish you all enjoy!

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